13 Feburary 2023

Dear ACS Community,

As your children may have told you, we continued our focus on emergency preparedness by conducting a safe haven drill today.  In this drill, students all report to a secure area of the campus for safety.  While these drills represent a small disruption, they make a big difference in the safety of our students.

On a lighter note, we will celebrate the Carnival holiday at school on Friday of this week.  The elementary parade will take place in the morning and a secondary celebration will take place in the afternoon.  In addition, please remember that the 20th and 21st are holidays from school in celebration of Carnival.

This morning, I also have some great news to share.  Over the past few weeks, some of you were involved in the search for a new Elementary School Principal.  This search involved input from parents, teachers, and administrators, including our current Elementary School Principal, Maria.  From all the feedback, one candidate rose above the rest, Eric Crabtree.  We made Eric an offer of employment, and this morning he accepted.  Eric will join ACS in August with his partner Chelsea and their son.  Both of them are excellent educators with experience at some of the finest international schools in the world.  We look forward to welcoming them to ACS.

Finally, I would like to raise an important current issue to your consciousness.  That issue is providing relief for the many people impacted by the terrible earthquakes in Turkey.  One of our secondary school students, Deniz Sarvan, has taken on a project to raise funds to help.  Please see his eloquent explanation below, as well as a link for donations.

Have a great week ahead.



Hello to all of you,

Once again, I am hosting another campaign to help people in need, this time to help people suffering from the terrible earthquake in my home country, Turkey. As you might have heard, two earthquakes with magnitudes of around 7.5-7.8 consecutively hit the South-East of Turkey, primarily affecting those in that region in Turkey and Syria. 10 cities in Turkey have been affected terribly, and at least 12000 people have been killed. Many have been injured and trapped under the ruins, with thousands of buildings collapsing. Around 10,000 people have been pulled out from under the ruins alive so far. These regions have already started receiving tons of help internationally from other nations. The current freezing weather over there makes it even more difficult to sort things out. This destroyed area is also a historically and culturally rich location where many religions and cultures were created. 

My father and I have set up a funding source to aid these people. Please spread this to as many people as possible, and donate yourself if you are willing to. Here is the link:

Thank you all so much,

Deniz Sarvan

Estimada Comunidad de ACS:


Como sus hijos les habrán dicho, continuamos con nuestro enfoque en el plan de preparación para emergencias y realizamos hoy un simulacro de refugio seguro. En este simulacro, todos los alumnos se dirigen a un área segura del campus para su seguridad. Si bien estos simulacros representan una pequeña interrupción, marcan una gran diferencia en la seguridad de nuestros alumnos.


En una nota más ligera, celebraremos el feriado de Carnaval en el colegio el viernes de esta semana.  El desfile de primaria tendrá lugar en la mañana y la celebración de secundaria será por la tarde.  Además, por favor recuerde que los días 20 y 21 son feriados en celebración del Carnaval.


Esta mañana, también tengo buenas noticias para compartir.  En las últimas semanas, algunos de ustedes participaron en la búsqueda de un nuevo Director de Primaria. Esta búsqueda involucró aportes de padres, profesores y administrativos, incluida nuestra Directora actual de Primaria, María.  De todos los comentarios, un candidato se destacó por encima del resto, Eric Crabtree. Le hicimos una oferta de empleo a Eric y esta mañana él aceptó. Eric se unirá a ACS en agosto con su pareja Chelsea y su hijo. Ambos son excelentes educadores con experiencia en algunos de los mejores colegios internacionales del mundo. Estamos esperando darles la bienvenida a ACS.


Finalmente, me gustaría plantear un importante tema actual a su conciencia. Este tema brinda alivio a muchas personas afectadas por los terribles terremotos en Turquía. Uno de nuestros alumnos de secundaria, Deniz Sarvan, ha emprendido un proyecto para recaudar fondos para ayudar. Por favor vea su explicación elocuente a continuación, así como un enlace para las donaciones.


Que tengan una gran semana.



