Dear ACS Community,
It was wonderful to see so many of you here on campus for the Secondary Student Led Conferences last week, and we look forward to seeing many more during the Elementary Student Led Conferences on Wednesday. Today, I met many prospective parents at a special breakfast for our early childhood program. Their questions and their interests show that the future of ACS is bright, as they contemplate enrolling their children in our youngest classes.
This week, we will start a new program of further opening our campus to parents. On Tuesdays from 8 to 8:45 AM, elementary school parents can come to the elementary library to check out books.
On a different note, you may be surprised to learn that our lost and found is already full, even though we donated all the items during winter break. This means we will again need to donate the items over spring break during the first week of April. So, please check for items that might belong to your family before that time.
A little more than one month ago, I came to you with a sad announcement. Our business manager, who had done so much to set us on the right path, Hianny Romereo, was leaving us. Today, with great excitement and anticipation, I announce that we have hired another exceptionally qualified individual to be the new ACS Business Manager. Daniela Gonzales - Quint Cornejo comes to us having most recently been the chief financial officer of Andean Valley, and also recently having been general manager of Bolivia TV. In addition, she has a great deal of other high-level experience. Daniela also has some connections within our school community. This may be comforting to some, but a red flag to others. I sympathize with those who consider it to be a red flag. I have said on a number of occassions that I am completely committed to ensuring that “who you know” has no impact on our hiring process. The only exception being short-term substitute or interim type positions where time is a major factor. I stand by this statement and am completely convinced that this process is great example of that commitment. Our community is relatively small and when we filter a hiring pool down to people who have good English skills in La Paz, there is already a strong possibly that they could be connected to ACS in some way. My goal is not that we exclude all such people from consideration. Rather, my goal is only that their connections are in no way an advantage in the hiring process. This is the story of how we accomplished it in this case:
It starts with the advertisement. If we only advertise by contacting people we know, then we can't possibly get an unbiased pool of applicants. Instead, we engaged the search agency Talento. They advertised our position on multiple platforms, including social media and print media. This resulted in more than 100 applicants. Talento then conducted assessments with the remaining candidates, yielding 24. Next, the results of an English assessment reduced the pool to 6. At this point, Talento provided ACS with information on all 6 candidates and the remaining steps were internal.First, a panel composed of senior leaders in the school and board members reduced the candidate pool from six to three. Then a panel consisting of business office employees and academic HODs provided feedback. Finally, the feedback was compiled, and a final interview was conducted by the Superintendent and HR Manager. Daniela rose to the top following this exhaustive process. Thus, we are absolutely convinced that she will be an exceptional business manager for ACS, and we can't wait to welcome her to our community on the third of April. This process illustrates the extent to which we go to ensure ACS has the best possible employees and their selection is free from favor or influence.
Have a great week ahead.
Estimada Comunidad de ACS,
Fue maravilloso ver a tantos de ustedes aquí en el campus para las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes de secundaria la semana pasada, y esperamos ver a muchos más durante las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes de primaria el miércoles. Hoy conocí a muchos futuros padres en un desayuno especial para nuestro programa de primera infancia. Sus preguntas y sus intereses demuestran que el futuro de ACS es brillante, ya que contemplan inscribir a sus hijos en nuestras clases para los más pequeños.
Esta semana, comenzaremos un nuevo programa para abrir aún más nuestro campus a los padres. Todos los martes de 8 a 8:45 a. m., los padres de primaria pueden ir a la biblioteca de primaria para sacar libros.
Cambiando de tema, seguramente se sorprenderán al saber que nuestros objetos perdidos y encontrados ya están llenos, a pesar de que donamos todos los artículos durante las vacaciones de invierno. Esto significa que nuevamente necesitaremos donar los objetos durante las vacaciones de primavera, la primera semana de abril. Por lo tanto, verifiquen si hay objetos que puedan pertenecer a su familia antes de ese momento.
Hace poco más de un mes, vine a ustedes con una triste noticia. Nuestro gerente administrativo, que tanto había hecho para ponernos en el camino correcto, Hianny Romero, nos dejaba. Hoy, con gran emoción y anticipación, anuncio que hemos contratado a otra persona excepcionalmente calificada para que sea el nuevo Gerente Administrativo de ACS. Daniela Gonzales - Quint Cornejo llega a nosotros después de haber sido recientemente director financiero de Andean Valley, y recientemente haber sido gerente general de Bolivia TV. Además, tiene una gran cantidad de experiencia de alto nivel. Daniela también tiene algunas conexiones dentro de nuestra comunidad escolar. Esto puede ser reconfortante para algunos, pero una señal de alerta para otros. Simpatizo con quienes lo consideran una bandera roja. He dicho en varias ocasiones que estoy completamente comprometido a garantizar que "a quién conoces" no tenga impacto en nuestro proceso de contratación. La única excepción son los puestos de sustitución a corto plazo o de tipo interino en los que el tiempo es un factor importante. Mantengo esta declaración y estoy completamente convencido de que este proceso es un gran ejemplo de ese compromiso. Nuestra comunidad es relativamente pequeña y cuando filtramos un grupo de contratación a personas que tienen buenas habilidades de inglés en La Paz, ya existe una gran posibilidad de que puedan estar conectados a ACS de alguna manera. Mi objetivo no es excluir a todas esas personas de la consideración. Más bien, mi objetivo es solo que sus conexiones no sean de ninguna manera una ventaja en el proceso de contratación. Esta es la historia de cómo lo logramos en este caso:
Que tengan una gran semana.